About Joanna
Hi, I’m Joanna. I help modern people get out of pain, connect with their bodies, and achieve their unique vision of wellness.
It’s been quite a journey…
Working as a digital collections librarian at a prestigious liberal arts college was my dream job. Until it wasn’t anymore.
I loved working with faculty and students but disliked sitting in a chair dissecting data for hours at a time.
I found myself with rotator cuff tendinitis and cervical arthritis. Doing PT for my shoulder and neck pain was helping but I was waking up to the fact that I had been pretty dissociated from my body for a long time.
So I started pushing my edges physically.
I trained in martial arts…tried boot camps and CrossFit…lost 25 pounds and gained muscle definition and confidence I hadn’t experienced before. I dove into personal growth and mindfulness practices. All of this sparked a desire to embark on a new “mind-body” career path.
But despite feeling rewarded in my pivot, I was still dealing with chronic pain and essentially a new set of work-life-balance issues.
News flash: there is no get-out-of-jail-free card! No matter how you use your body and mind throughout your days and weeks, healthy living in a modern world is just plain challenging.
My belief is that restoring health and balance to our modern lives requires an integrative approach.
I am blessed to have specialized in Hendrickson Method®, an extraordinary form of bodywork that is clinically effective and relaxing for the client. (And sustainable for the therapist!)
I became a NASM personal trainer with a corrective exercise focus in order to more fully support clients with functional movement and injury prevention.
My commitment to mindfulness and breathwork practices led me to become a YOGABODY® breath coach and a Dynamic Mindfulness instructor.
And I found I truly love helping people articulate what wellness looks like for them, and working to help them attain that. I’m proud to be a Wellcoaches® transformational coach and love supporting positive change in the lives of my clients.
I look forward to being your partner-in-crime in integrative healing!